Industrial Mesh Supports and Inlays

Averinox develops and provides industrial mesh supports and inlays for many applications. Examples can be found in reinforcement or support in composite materials: strengthen and give coherence to materials such as non-wovens, cylinder-like applications, rubber, tapes, reinforcement in refractory linings of furnaces, etc. Furthermore, wire structures or nettings are used (based on on Knitted Wire Mesh and Extruded Mesh) for spacing, or the creation of a constant distance between the various components (such as filters or membranes).

Mesh inlays can also be used as a so-called flow aids: it improves and facilitates the flow of a resin in a mold, this is applied in industries where composites are designed and manufactured.

Knitted mesh spacer Reinforcement stocking for (rubber) cables

Knitted mesh spacer

 Reinforcement  stocking  for (rubber) cables

Other industrial applications (usually metallic Knittings) include: electronic EMI / RFI, (in) insulation from power, absorbing vibrations, etc.  Applications are also available at protection (preventing accidents by people and body parts keeping away from machines) and signalization (defining hazardous areas or to indicate the location of cables & pipes).

Mesh fabric used for EMI (Elektro Magnetic Interference) Knitting used for EMI (Elektro Magnetic Interference)

Mesh fabric used for EMI (Elektro Magnetic Interference)

 Knitting used for EMI (Elektro Magnetic Interference)

Mesh fabrics (Woven Mesh) or knitted fabrics (Knitted Mesh) are also used to reinforce sealing tapes for the (airtight) sealing of joints in pipelines. The mesh is stretchable in both directions and, therefore, a highly suitable medium for this application. Examples are, for example caging mesh, this is mesh that is used as a support matrix with cable connections for cathodic corrosion protection. The mesh serves as a reinforcement for liquid resin. This resin is poured into a connecting sleeve. This combination results in a strong structure.

Woven mesh support used for industrial sealing tapes Mesh knittings used as support in industrial sealings

Woven mesh support used for industrial sealing tapes

 Mesh knittings used as support in industrial sealings

Another example is a special reinforcement mesh for reactor wall lining for fire-resistant applications in industrial furnaces, and for anti-wear applications in cyclones (this may be based on Welded Wire Mesh). This reinforcement is filled with a refractory or wear-resistant mass.  More about this application can be found here: Reactor Internals / Screens & Supports

Reinforcement mesh used for fire-resistant applications Knitted Mesh sealing (expansion joint)

Reinforcement mesh used for fire-resistant applications

Knitted Mesh sealing (expansion joint)

All product groups in this activity should be further explained below. Click on any picture or title for more examples and details. Please contact us for appropriate advice.


Averinox B.V.
Rode Ring 49N
1566HR Assendelft
The Netherlands
T. +31 (0)75- 890 8700